New South Wales Bar Association
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February 2025 Exam

If at any stage you are experiencing user issues with the ExamSoft platform, you will need to reach out directly to ExamSoft. The NSWBA can offer minimal help, all tech related queries must be forwarded to you may also find useful information at 

Important Online Registration Dates

  • Candidates must register their email address and download the ExamSoft Instruction file, complete the tutorial (Mock- Instructional File) and upload their answer file between Friday 06 December – Monday 16 December 2024;
  • The Mock Exam will be available to download from Monday, 16 December 2024;
    • please note the mock exam is not compulsory and can only be accessed through the software once. It will not be available to be marked. Its purpose is to allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the software.
    • Download the (2) exam files (AM & PM) dates TBA below, no late applications accepted thereafter.

If you change any details on your online registration, you must notify us by email immediately, any missed emails will be the responsibility of the candidate. Lectures and tutorials will be offered once registrations close. Please be patient during this time and if you have further queries, please do not hesitate to email us at  

Distance Candidates

All distance candidates will sit the upcoming Bar Exam on Wednesday, 12 February 2025 in their local times. Only approved distance candidates have the right to undertake the Bar Exam. Ensure you have submitted all your documentation before registration close and receive a confirmation email from Bar Association Staff.


The Sydney based February 2025 Bar Exam is scheduled for Thursday, 13 February and will take place at the NSW Bar Association.

Please note that Approved Special Provision Candidates will sit the exam the day prior, Wednesday 12 February 2025, within the NSW Bar Association.

Should any changes need to occur for the safety and wellbeing of all candidates we will advise you at the nearest opportunity via email and updates to this web page. Information surrounding your attendance and potential requirements will be distributed to all Candidates as promptly as possible. We appreciate your understanding and patience.


Monday 29 April 2024

The February 2023 Past Paper will be available to sit as a Mock Exam within the Exam Software.

Undertaking the mock exam is optional but recommended for your practice. It will enable you to sit a paper in exam conditions.

The password for both AM/PM access: J24Mock

Please also note that the mock exam can only be attempted once. It will not be marked, as it is for practice purposes only.

Please note a typo in Q1 of the PM paper: *Candidates are to be advised of a typo in Question 1 of the Civil Paper. In the first sentence of question 1, the reference to “defendant” should be “plaintiff”. Candidates are advised to handwrite the change in their question book.  

We remind candidates if they have any queries relating to the exam to please email


  • IPAD and any Android Tablet Devices ARE NOT PERMITTED.
  • External keyboards (wired or wireless), Mouse devices (wired or wireless), USB keys, CDs, or any other storage devices ARE NOT PERMITTED.
  • Individual electrical outlets will be available on exam day for charging laptop computers, candidates must bring their own laptop charger.
  • Review Minimum System Requirements here


Who is ExamSoft?

ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc. is a software developer specialising in computerised assessment and assessment administration programs.

What is Examplify™?
Examplify is a high stakes assessment program developed and licensed by ExamSoft that enables exam takers to securely take examinations downloaded to their own laptop computers by blocking access to files, programs and the Internet during an exam.

Using Examplify. You will download your exam files well in advance of the Bar Examination and you will be required to upload your answer files on the day of the exam via the Internet/Wi-Fi.  However, you WILL NOT be able to access the Internet during the Bar Examination.  The exam files are password protected; therefore, you will not be able to access them until the day of the Bar Examination when specific instructions will be given to you by the invigilator.

What are the recommended minimum system requirements for using Examplify?
Examplify may be used on a PC or MAC.  However, it cannot be used with PC emulation software. You must provide your own or use a laptop computer provided by the NSWBA that meets or exceeds the Minimum System Requirements. To ensure your laptop computer meets the requirements visit: 

Internet Access/Wi-Fi (connection) is required to receive email notices regarding Laptop Registration, to download and install software, to download exam files, to upload the Mock exam answers and to upload answer files on exam day.

Examplify can be used on virtually any modern computer (i.e. purchased within the last 3-4 years).  However, IPAD and any other Android Tablet Devices ARE NOT PERMITTED. For specific system requirements, please click on Minimum System Requirements above.

Will I be able to use an Apple Macintosh laptop for the Bar Examination?
Examplify software is available for both PC and MAC laptop users. DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to test your Apple MacBook or MacBook Pro laptop for compatibility to Examplify, nor wait until the last minute to download and install Examplify to your laptop.

Can Examplify be used in Virtual Operating Systems?     
No.  It is not possible to take Secure Exams through a virtual operating system such as Microsoft's Virtual Machine, Parallels or VMware, Vmware Fusion or any other virtual operating system environment. 

When does Laptop Registration begin? 

Laptop Registration for the February 2025 Bar Examination will be open from 9 December 2024 - 16 December 2024. On-line registration for laptop testing will be available 24 hours a day. 
It is the applicant’s responsibility to complete the entire Laptop Registration process as EARLY as possible, the last step must be completed prior to the exam day. Notice for the two (2) exam files download timeline will be made on the candidate noticeboard, no late applications accepted thereafter. Applicants who fail to complete the Laptop Registration process by 16 December 2024 will forfeit the right to sit the exam. Failure to follow these procedures does not constitute good cause for crediting or refunding your registration fee. Candidates who have paid for a NSW Bar Association Laptop on exam day will be required to complete the first two steps of the laptop registration process. 

All communication regarding Laptop Registration will automatically generate from ExamSoft to your registered email only.  Neither the NSWBA nor ExamSoft is responsible for missed emails, ensure you check your Junk/Spam Inbox. If you have not received your initial registration email by 9 December 2024, contact us immediately on Applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully read the contents of the email notice BEFORE registering and downloading the software. If you need to update your email contact or any other details on your registration you must email us immediately on

Access to the Laptop Registration Site, will be available 24 HOURS A DAY. For ease of access, bookmarking this link is encouraged. Applicants must use the Candidate Number and Password that will be provided in the email notice to access the Exam Takers section of the Registration Site. All candidates who have registered for the Bar Exam will have access to download Examplify to test their system at home and familiarise themselves with the software. Candidates who have elected to use a laptop computer provided by the NSWBA will be given a laptop computer on the day of the exam with Examplify already downloaded with the exam files. If for any reason you have elected to use a laptop computer provided by the NSWBA and change your mind please contact us immediately on exams@nswbar.asn.auCandidates who have elected to use a laptop provided by the NSWBA will still need to complete the laptop registration process except for the last step in downloading the two (2) exam files on another device. If you have elected to use your own laptop on exam day but cannot for any unexpected reasons, you must contact us immediately. It is your responsibility to source another laptop computer for the exam day or pay the additional fee. You must contact us immediately on to request permission to download the software again as you are only permitted one download per user.  

What is the Laptop Registration Process? Note: the laptop registration process has changed from February 2021 if you have sat previously
When you agreed to use a laptop computer at time of registration, you plan to use a laptop computer to answer the Bar Examination questions, THIS DOES NOT register you for laptop testing.  The entire Laptop Registration process consists of: 

(1)  Payment of fees at time of exam registration; 

(2)  Installation and Registration of the Examplify software;
Candidates must download the ExamSoft Instruction file and complete the tutorial and upload their answer file
(4)  Download the (2) exam files (AM & PM) from dates advised on the candidate noticeboard.

It is highly recommended candidates attempt and upload the Mock Exam using Examplify.

Failure to meet steps 1 - 3 of the requirements of the entire Laptop Registration process will result in your ineligibility sit the Bar Examination and forfeit exam registration.

The Laptop Registration process must be completed each time you sit for the NSWBA Bar Examination, regardless of any previous Examplify registrations you may have completed for any other examination.

What is the Examplify Registration Process?
The Examplify Registration Process records you as an applicant who has been properly registered to take the Bar Examination on your laptop computer (or other device if using a NSW laptop on exam day) and provides you a copy of Examplify to install on your laptop computer.  It also confirms that you have downloaded and installed Examplify, registered your copy of Examplify and downloaded your exam files (2) (AM & PM), and uploaded your Exam Instructions (mandatory) and Mock Exam (recommended), so you may use your laptop computer on exam day.

Examplify can be installed and registered on only ONE laptop; therefore, you must make sure you have a dependable laptop and that it meets or exceeds the Minimum PC Requirements listed above before downloading any software. Candidates who have elected to use a laptop computer provided by the NSWBA must download the software onto another laptop/desktop not to be taken into the exam room on exam day to familiarise themselves with the software.

What email address will registration instructions and other related laptop testing notices be sent to?
All email notifications will be sent to the email address that you have registered with. Ensure that you have submitted and maintain a VALID email address and regularly check your Junk/Spam inbox. If you need to change your email contact during the exam, immediately notify us on 

You will also receive confirmation via email that you have downloaded and installed Examplify, registered your copy of Examplify and downloaded your exam files.  Additionally, you will receive other email notice after you complete the first step of the Laptop Registration process as well as throughout the Laptop Registration process.  CHECK YOUR EMAIL OFTEN.

How can I check to make sure that I have installed and registered the Examplify software successfully?
Once you register Examplify, you will be advised on-screen and notified via email that you have done so successfully.  You will also receive email confirmation for each exam file that is downloaded.  
You will download the following exam files upon laptop registration: 
- Exam Instructional File (available immediately)
- February 2023 Past Paper Mock exam
- 2 Exam Files (AM & PM)

Internet connection/Wi-Fi compatibility is required for you to upload your exam files on the day of the Bar Examination.  You will not have access to the Internet during the actual exam sessions.

If you wish to confirm your registration status, confirm that Examplify is registered, or confirm that you have downloaded your exam files, log in to the Exam Takers section located at the top left side of this Custom Home Page.  You must use the Candidate Number and Password to access the Exam Takers section. 

What is the Mock Exam (NSWBA February 2023 Past Paper)?
The Mock Exam allows you to familiarise you with Examplify while attempting to answer a past paper in the new format (2 papers). 
The Mock Exam has a 2 hour time limit per paper and will not be graded. The Mock Exam and Instructions file confirms your laptop computer is compatible with Examplify, and it enables you, before exam day, to familiarise yourself with how to open, write, and upload your answer file. 

The Mock Exam is highly recommended to be attempted and uploaded to ensure your computer has been configured properly for use on the day of the Bar Examination under examination conditions.  

How do I get a copy of the Mock Exam?
One copy of the Mock Exam will be available to be downloaded to your laptop after you have registered your copy of Examplify. You will receive email confirmation the download has occurred along with instructions on how to complete the Mock Exam. You will also receive email confirmation for the Mock Exam that you upload. A copy of the February 2023 Past Paper is provided with all other exam materials at time of exam registration.  

It will be to your advantage to complete and upload the Mock Exam once available after you receive the email confirmation that the Mock Exam has been downloaded to your laptop. Ensure you are prepared to complete the Mock Exam in its entirety as you can only attempt this once before the deadline.

Double click on the Examplify icon on your desktop and select Launch Examplify.  When the main window displays, select Mock Exam. Complete the Mock Exam and upload the answer file.  Email confirmation will be received.

How will I know if my Mock Exam answer file was uploaded?
A visual “progress status” (blue bar) is displayed on your screen as the upload takes place. When the upload is complete, a “success” message is displayed on screen. An email confirmation is then sent to the email address you provided.

May I practice with the software?
.  You will firstly be able to complete the ExamSoft Instructions file and then attempt the Mock Exam filewe STRONGLY urge you to take advantage of the this process to practice taking and exiting an exam and uploading an exam file.  Taking a Mock Exam enables you familiarise yourself with the Examplify exam environment and word processing features.

What if I have technical problems or technical questions?
Begin by visiting ExamSoft’s Frequently Asked Questions web page located at
Technical support from ExamSoft will also be available to you via email at or by phone (03) 8594 1209 within Australia, available 24/7.


Will I need Wireless Network capability on exam day?
Wireless Internet Network capability is required for the Laptop Examination to upload exam questions at the end of each session.

Will technical help be available on exam day?
ExamSoft Site Engineers will provide technical support during the laptop set up.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your laptop is dependable and that it is in working order PRIOR to the examination.

Will the questions appear on my screen at the time of the examination?
Yes (both short and long answer questions). 
All questions (including factual scenarios) are provided both on Examplify and in physical paper on examination day.  

Am I allowed to attach an external keyboard to my laptop?
No. You must use your laptop keyboard because space is limited.  Also, you are NOT allowed to have a digital or wired mouse, mouse pad, USB Key, CD or any other storage device.  All CDs, DVDs, etc., must be removed from your Laptop PRIOR to entering the Examination Room on exam day.

Can I take my laptop out of the Examination Room over the lunch break?
Your laptop must remain in the Examination Room the entire length of the Bar Examination.  Removing the laptop from the Examination Room for any reason may result in your IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION from the Bar Examination.

How will I upload my examination answers for grading?

Examplify will auto-upload your answer files.  You will need to connect to the Internet/Wi-Fi in the examination room, and follow the on-screen instructions for each exam session. You will receive a confirmation displaying on your screen once the upload is successful.

Will there be Internet Connectivity at the Examination Site?
The NSWBA will have Internet connection with Wii-Fi capabilities for you to upload your answer files at the instructed time by the invigilator before you leave the examination room.


Notice 1:   Examplify Functionality 

Examplify will save and back up your work EVERY minute.

Examplify will BLOCK access to all other applications on your computer.

Examplify will AUTOMATICALLY format all margins, line spacing, headers, and page numbers. 

The questions and factual scenarios are printed on paper and will be distributed to you at the beginning of each examination session. You will also be able to view the questions and factual scenarios on the Examplify screen.

Notice 2:   Number of Questions and Exam Sessions 

The exam files you will be using have been formatted in short and long questions which make up two (2) examination sessions totalling 240 marks. The order of examination papers will be given to you on the day.  The examination sessions are:  

Morning Session           9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
9.30am Reading time
10.00am - 12.00pm Computer time
Short and Long Questions

120 Marks

Afternoon Session        2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
2.00pm Reading time
2.30pm - 4.30pm Computer time

Short and Long Questions

120 Marks

You will answer each question in the appropriately numbered Examplify window.  Questions may not correlate actually to the examination paper hard copy as there may be parts within each question - ensure you read the question on the software before you type your answer. 

After the completion of each examination session, you will need to submit your answers and exit the exam room. You must be connected to Internet when setting up for each Bar Examination session to auto-upload your answer files. Make sure that your laptop is properly equipped with Wi-Fi capabilities.

You are REQUIRED to upload your answer files before you exit the examination room at each session.   To upload your answer files, ensure you are connected to the Internetand select submit in the top right corner.  You will see the Green Confirmation Screen.  

Notice 3:   Editing Features
Each typed answer file has an unlimited character limit. Some editing features you may be familiar with have been disabled according to the NSWBA.  However, when testing the system, you will be able to view all the features that will be available on exam day. 

Notice 4:  Technical Issues
unless you follow the instructions included in the Technical Issues section of the Exam Day. In the event of a hardware or software malfunction or power failure when you cannot resolve the malfunction immediately, you will be required to hand write your exam answers in the answer book upon confirmation of the Exam Invigilator. No extra time will be given in the event of a laptop malfunction. 

For a reason other than operator error, our best efforts will be used to recover typed text up to the point of the malfunction/technical problem, but there can be no assurance of success.  Only those portions that are able to be retrieved will be attached to the handwritten portion in the answer book for grading.  

Notice 5:  End of the Exam Day Instructions 

DO NOT remove, delete, or uninstall Examplify or any Examplify program files from your laptop computer until the Bar Examination results have been released.  The February Bar Examination results are released late March; June results are released late July. Please refer to our website for dates. 

New South Wales Bar Association – ExamSoft Terms & Conditions

  1. I hereby acknowledge that the NSWBA is permitting me to use a personal laptop computer during the Bar Examination administered by the NSWBA, with Examplify® testing software (the "software") which I have installed from the ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc. ("ExamSoft") website. I further acknowledge that the NSWBA warrants or guarantees the software program, and I represent that I have sufficient expertise and experience with both the laptop computer and the software I am using for the Bar Examination.
  2. I have accepted use of Examplify® under the provisions of the ExamSoft license agreement as presented to me during the installation of the software and agree to be bound by its Terms and Conditions.
  3. I agree to be bound by the Laptop Testing Procedures and Requirements adopted by the NSWBA.
  4. I acknowledge that the use of technology in testing carries certain risks of technology failure.   I accept the software and its administration "as is."  I understand and accept the fact that in a rare event, portions of my answers may become lost and unrecoverable. Such data loss may result from, but is not limited to, power failure, technical problems, hardware problems, software incompatibilities, etc.
  5. If I experience data saving and/or retrieval problems, I will immediately and continually assist the NSWBA and its staff and ExamSoft in every way to recover the data.  I understand that any data loss due to operator error will not be recovered.  I understand that in the event any or all of my answers are lost or unrecoverable, for a reason other than operator error, only those portions that are able to be retrieved will attached to the handwritten portion in the answer book for grading.  If I am unsuccessful on the Bar Examination, I understand that I cannot request, nor will I receive any reconsideration or modification of my grades for any reason.
  6. I also agree to continue the Bar Examination by handwriting my answers in an answer book in the event there is a hardware or software malfunction, power failure or other material problem, in the opinion of the representatives of the NSWBA or ExamSoft.  I acknowledge that hardware and software problems during the Bar Examination may require me to hand write the remainder of the Bar Examination.  In this event, an ExamSoft Site Engineer may use their best efforts to recover whatever text was typed up to the point of the technical problem, but there can be no assurance of success.  A decision by the Director, Professional Development, a site engineer representing ExamSoft, or by me to switch from laptop to handwriting will be final, but in no event will the NSWBA or ExamSoft have any duty to me with respect to that decision.  I will NOT be permitted extra time or any other concessions. 
  7. I acknowledge that my laptop computer must remain in the Examination Room the entire length of the Bar Examination.  Even if I hand write any portion of my answers in an answer book, the laptop still must remain in the Examination Room. I understand that removing my laptop from the Examination Room for any reason may result in my IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION from the Bar Examination.
  8. I acknowledge that no agent or employee of ExamSoft has the authority to make unauthorised representations, either oral or written, on behalf of the NSWBA with regard to the procedures and policies, including deadlines, of the NSWBA Bar Exam and that any such representations made by any agent or employee of ExamSoft shall not be relied upon by me.
  9. I understand that I am REQUIRED to upload my answer files at the end of each session directed by the Chief Invigilator on the date of the Bar Examination, and that if I fail to upload both answer files, then neither of my answer files will be graded for the Bar Examination.   If ExamSoft has technical issues that cause upload delays on examination day, the upload deadline will automatically be extended to the day after at 9.00 a.m. If I fail to upload both answer files by the extended deadline, then neither my answers will be graded for the designated Bar Examination. This means that the Bar Examination will have a result in fail.
  10. I understand and agree I will not and cannot sue the NSWBA, ExamSoft or any entity, officer or employee thereof, individually or officially, for any such claim, and that were I to attempt to do so, this release, printed in hard copy form and certified by the NSWBA from the ExamSoft server, will be sufficient grounds to have any such suit summarily dismissed.
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